It’s time for some fully animated StudioFOW-quality rewards!. He towed it back to the nearest spaceport where the Mary Celeste was outfitted with brand new warp drives and an extended cargo bay for one purpose and one purpose only – smuggle a shit-load of weed from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time possible. Was it an abandoned black ops project? A custom-job for some crazed billionaire? Nobody knows for sure, but it was too good of a DIY job for the intrepid Captain to pass up. The Mary Celeste – a mysterious and highly advanced stealth cruiser found drifting in deep space by the Captain with no crew on board and no manifest. Earn their loyalty and get some other exceptional benefits in the process. These are the baddest babes in the galaxy complete with exceptional combat potential and drop-dead gorgeous looks. Secret Neighbor ROGUE’S GALLERY OF BADASS BABES SUBVERSE FREE DOWNLOAD UPGRADE
Visit your various stations like Engineering, the Hangar and the Locker room to upgrade your forces, or relax in leisure spots like the Bar and your Quarters. The Mary Celeste not only holds the record for fastest sub-light delivery of weed in the galaxy but she’s also your base of operations.
Mastering both modes will lead to glorious booty so you can upgrade your ship and troops. Throw down in either SHMUP-style space missions dripping with retro nostalgia or take the thinking man’s approach and duke it out on the ground with dynamic turn-based combat.