Even after being imprisoned by Wilson for God-knows-how-long, he's still extremely polite and helpful to Audrey, if somewhat solemn. Nice Guy: He's just a normal guy trying to survive his extremely bizarre and terrifying situation."The truth is, you were always so good at pushing, old friend. Morality Chain: In the ending, Joey heavily implies that Henry was something of a moderating influence on his behavior and once he left the studio, there was nothing keeping Joey's worse traits in check.Meaningful Name: His last name brings to mind another character whose creation of life brought them misery, and whose mission in life became to kill what they created.Married to the Job: A secret recording of himself reveals that he hasn't seen his partner Linda during the first two weeks of the studio's founding.He has absolutely no trouble wading across a river of ink that Allison and Tom can't cross because they're "not like him." The Immune: He's apparently impervious to being corrupted by the ink.Happily Married: He originally quit working at the studio to spend more time with his wife, Linda, and expresses how much he loves and misses her in a chapter five pre-release video log.By Chapter 3, he starts to wise up to the fetch-quest nature of the game he's in, guessing how he won't get the lever to leave the safehouse until he gives Buddy Boris something to eat. When he sees a Boris dissected, Bendy's cutout following him everywhere, and strange messages on the walls, his reaction isn't to run or call the police, but start up the machine. Genre Blindness: When he arrives and discovers no one in the studio to greet him, he just decides to look around.Subverted by TimeTheHobo confirming that the shadow approaching Bendy in Tombstone Picnic belonged to him. First-Person Ghost: To such an extreme degree that he doesn't cast a shadow, and his pedestal in the archives is an empty space you have to stand on yourself.Fed to the Beast: Sammy tries to do this to him.It begins to make sense in Dark Revival when you realize that Joey created the Cycle as an Ironic Hell for Henry.After defeating the Ink Demon who's been chasing him for the entire game, it's revealed that he's trapped in a time loop with no way out. Chapter 5: At this point, he's just trying to escape the studio and get back to his family.Chapter 4: He sets out to save Buddy Boris from Twisted Alice, only to arrive just a bit too late and discover that Buddy Boris was Reforged into a Minion.only for her to drop the elevator at the last second. Chapter 3: After doing countless errands for Twisted Alice, he steps on an elevator to the surface.Chapter 2: He successfully opens a stairwell to the top floor, only to get knocked out and dragged deeper by Sammy.Chapter 1: Not only does he fail to find Joey, but he gets stranded in a deeper part of the studio trying to escape from Ink Bendy.Failure Hero: Though he manages to accomplish individual objectives with little problem, every chapter ends with him failing to complete his main objective:.Henry: (after finding an axe) This will definitely come in handy.